Daily recording of business transactions
Recording your day-to-day sales, purchases and other transactions is a must. Our Accounting software is integrated in a whole ERP solution and automatically records all your business transactions. All these transactions are stored in a appropriate and predefined accounting journals for further analysis.
Improve business cost management
Cost accounting provides a better understanding of the company’s costs, by classifying them according to their nature. It makes it possible to detail the expenses incurred in an exhaustive manner, in order to improve control and management. Management accounting also allows better allocation of expenses by department, by cost center, and even by customer or project.
Online Tax declaration in Cameroon
There are numerous types of taxes and declaration in Cameroon: TVA, IRPP, CAC, CNPS, RAV, TSR, … which have to be declared monthly and yearly. Our Accounting software help your to overcome the complexity of this task by using the Teledeclaration. Automatic submission are done monthly based on the transaction recorded in your company.
Improving decision making: knowledge is power
You now have an idea of the main benefits of management accounting.
One of the main challenges, in order to greatly improve your strategic decision-making, is to collect relevant and up-to-date data for your cost accounting.