How Does A GPS Tracker Work ?
It is a system that allows the precise location of a vehicle. It is a small box connected to a telephone source that provides access to the network. You must have a subscription from your operator and a SIM card to connect the GPS tracker to the network.
Instant Localization
The GPS tracker makes it possible to locate the position of your vehicle instantly and to follow it in real time. It alerts you by SMS when the vehicle is moving or the ignition is on. In addition, you can configure it remotely by SMS or via an interface. These boxes can be used worldwide because they are connected to a telephone network (this network obviously depends on the coverage of your operator).

Vehicle Protection
This small connected object protects your vehicle and the valuables inside. Indeed, thanks to its system, it detects malicious intentions and informs you up to the minute.
It is possible to create a surveillance zone. Thus, in the event that your vehicle leaves the configured zone, you instantly receive an SMS to alert you.
Access To The Trip History
The GPS tracker not only guarantees anti-theft protection but also allows access to the trip history of your vehicle. Thus, you can freely consult the number of kilometers that you have covered and by which paths you have passed. This allows you to see precisely the places visited during your trip.